Kelowna Suicide
prevention Committee, which used to be called Kelowna Youth Suicide
Prevention Committee, is formed by a group of local agencies who
recognize the much needed work in suicide awareness, prevention,
intervention and postvention. In the past few years, Kelowna Suicide
Prevention Committee has organized an annual walk on September
10th (World Suicide Prevention Day) to create awareness and help
remember those who died by suicide. A simple ceremony is followed
after the walk to provide a time for survivors of suicide loss
to remember their loved ones and to be with others who are also
grieving a suicide death.
This local group organized a public forum last year and again this
year. Visit our Events page for more information
on the annual walk and the upcoming public forum.
Currently, Kelowna Suicide Prevention Committee is formed by the following
local agencies:
Kelowna Child and Youth Mental Health
Kelowna Police Based Victim Services
Kelowna Youth and Family Services
Community Services Society of BC
Canadian Mental Health Association
We encourage other local agencies to join our team effort and help
create a suicide safer community. Please contact info@suicideawareness.ca to
express your interest.